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Prof. Bernstein's Style Guide for Java

Your Java code must comply with Prof. Bernstein's Style Guide for Java. This document describes both the guidelines and some tools that can help you comply with them. Note that the examples discussed in the lectures, labs, and readings may not comply with these guidelines as they were prepared by different people and at different times.

1 The Guide

1.1 Organization/Structure

  1. Each class must be in its own file.

    The name of the file and the name of the class must coincide exactly. For example the Queue class should be in a file named Note that Java is case-sensitive (even though some versions of MS-Windows are not).

  2. Each file must end with a blank line.

    This is so that automated testing tools have a place to insert comments/remarks if necessary.

  3. Methods within a class must be listed in alphabetical order.

    The only exception to this rule is that all constructors must be listed first. For example, in a Queue class, the constructor(s) should be first, the pop method should be second, and the push method should be third.

  4. All variables must be declared in the smallest possible scope.
  5. All variables must be explicitly initialized.
  6. Class variables (i.e., static attributes) must be declared before instance variables (i.e., non-static attributes).

    Within each category, public variables must be declared first, followed by protected variables, followed by package variables, followed by private variables.

  7. All variables must be declared alphabetically by their class/type.

    For example, variables of type double should be declared before variables of type int which should, in turn, be declared before variables of type Node.

1.2 Names

  1. Class names must start with an uppercase letter.

    In addition, each "word" within a class name should start with an uppercase letter. For example, TextMessage and SimpleTrafficMonitor are both appropriate class names.

  2. The names of "constants" (i.e., static final attributes) must be in all uppercase.

    Further, "words" within a "constant" name must be delimited by an underscore character. For example, EXTREMELY_UNHEALTHY is an appropriate name for a "constant".

  3. Other variable and method names that contain multiple characters must not start with an uppercase letter.

    Further, each "word" within a variable name should start with an uppercase letter. For example, importantMessage and campusMonitor are both appropriate variable names.

  4. Variable names that consist of a single character may be uppercase.

    In general, even single-character variable names should be lowercase. However, in some situations, mathematical notation uses uppercase letters. In such situations, uppercase variable names may be used. For example, matrices are often written using uppercase letters. So, an expression like b = A*x would be appropriate.

  5. Variable and method/function names must be descriptive.

    Variable names like aaa are not appropriate. Index variables and counters can, however, have names like i and j.

1.3 Declarations

  1. Visibility modifiers (other than package) must be explicit.

    Do not rely on default visibilities.

  2. All (non-final) attributes should have private or protected visibility.

    Indeed, they must have private or protected visibility unless there is a very good reason for them to have public or package visibility.

  3. All methods that override a method in a superclass or implement a method in an interface must include the @Override annotation.
  4. Formal parameters should be declared final.

    Indeed, they must be final unless there is a very good reason for them not to be.

  5. Delcarations must follow the Java Language Specification suggestions.

    They must begin with the visibility, followed by the abstract modifier if needed, followed by the static modifier if needed, followed by the final modifier if needed, followed by the type.


  1. Each class must have a descriptive block comment.

    This comment should describe the complete class (rather than the methods in the class).

  2. Each method/function must have a descriptive block comment.

    This comment should describe the methods, its parameters, and its return value.

  3. Block comments must use the javadoc format.

    javadoc is a program (written in Java) that creates external documentation (in HTML) from block comments. All of the Java documentation was, in fact, created this way. javadoc block comments start with /** and end with */.

  4. Comments in the body of a class should use // rather than /* ... */.

    This isn't a requirement but it will make your life easier since you can't nest block comments. There is nothing more annoying then trying to "comment out" a section of code while you are debugging and being unable to do so because it contains block comments.

  5. In the block comment for each class you must include a comment attesting to your compliance with the JMU Honor Code as follows:
    	 * This work complies with the JMU Honor Code.
  6. In the block comment for each class you must include an @author element.

1.5 White Space

  1. Lines must be short (i.e., less than 100 characters).
  2. Unary operators must not be separated from their operands by any white space.

1.6 Indentation and Blocks

  1. Two spaces must be used for each indentation level.
  2. The { must appear on a new line at the start of the block.
  3. Empty blocks are prohibited.
  4. Do not have multiple clauses on a single line in switch statements.

1.7 Intelligibility

  1. switch statements must have a default clause.
  2. The default clause must be after all case clauses in a switch statement.
  3. case clauses in switch statements must not fall-through
  4. Actual parameters must not be assigned values.
  5. Multiple return statements within a single method should be avoided.

    Early return statements for error-checking are encouraged, but other uses of multiple return statements are discouraged. Complicated Boolean return statements must be avoided. More than 4 return statements is prohibited.

  6. Boolean expressions must be simplified.

1.8 Realiability and Robustness

  1. Local variables and (most) parameters must not shadow class attributes.

    Parameters in constructors and setters may.

  2. Numeric literals (not defined as a constant) should be avoided.

    Such literals are often referred to as "magic numbers". (Note: -1, 0, 1, and 2 are generally not considered "magic numbers".)

  3. Classes that define a covariant equals() method must override equals(java.lang.Object).
  4. Classes that override equals(java.lang.Object must override hashCode().
  5. String literals must not be used with the == or != oeprators.
  6. java.lang.Exception, java.lang.Error, and java.lang.RuntimeException must never be caught.
  7. The same String literal must not be used multiple times in the same class.
  8. An overriding clone() method must call super.clone().
  9. An overriding finalize() method must call super.finalize().
  10. Assertions must be used to indicate that a statement will not be executed.

2 Tools

There are tools that make it easier to comply with style guides.

2.1 Checkstyle

Checkstyle is a tool that can be used to determine if one or more source files complies with a style guide. Check the "Tools" or "Help" page for your course to see if there is a configuration file available for your course.

2.2 IDE Support

Some IDEs can be configured to make it easier to follow a style guide. Check the "Tools" or "Help" page for your course to see if there is a formatter available for your course.

3 Style Humor

Different people have different opinions about what is "stylish". This leads to many fights (and some jokes).

(Courtesy of Hackles)
(Courtesy of xkcd)
(Courtesy of xkcd)

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